Category: Business


Published by on May 11, 2022
Categories: Auto Business Environment Technology

Institution of Engineering and Technology Ghana (IET) has advised the general public,institutions and government agencies to desist from entering into any form of agreement withanybody who purports to be an engineer without registering with the institute. IET indicatesthat, this will ensure enhanced supervision and do away with substandard works done by self-acclaimed engineers. Speaking at […]

Engineers charged to chooseprofessionalismover profit – Engr. Dr. Ebenezer AnkomahGyamera

Published by on October 12, 2021
Categories: Business News Technology

A Land Surveyor and Geological Engineer at the University of Cape Coast, Engr. Dr. Ebenezer Ankomah Gyamera, has charged engineers in the country to place professionalism over profit. Speaking at the Western and Central Regional induction ceremony of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, the chairman for the occasion indicated that, the short life span […]

5 regions in the North partner GEPA, Savannah Golden Tree to organize World Shea Expo

Published by on December 7, 2019
Categories: Africa Business News World

The Ghana Export Promotion Authority, (GEPA) says it will set up support for the development of the shea industry in the coming years. Madam Afua Asabea Asare, the Chief Executive Officer of GEPA said already, the Authority was extending funding support to a few shea processing companies in the Northern and Upper East Regions. She […]

Banking cleanup: Finance Committee rejects Ofori-Atta’s GHC15 billion request

Published by on December 7, 2019
Categories: Africa Business News World

Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta has failed to secure approval from the finance committee of parliament for an amount of 15.6 billion cedis for the banking sector clean-up. The additional amount, according to a memorandum to parliament from Mr Ofori-Atta on November 28, 2019, is to be used to “protect depositors of failed financial institutions and […]

Shatta Wale presents GHC150,000 worth of items to farmers

Published by on December 7, 2019
Categories: Africa Business Entertainment News World

As part of this year’s farmers day celebration, Ghanaian musician, Charles Nii Armah Mensah, popularly known as Shatta Wale, has presented items worth GHC150,000 to the District Chief Executive of the Amansie West District Assembly, Hon. Nii Larteh Ollenu as prize package for all winning farmers in the district. Handing over the items, Shatta Wale […]