Category: Auto


Published by on May 11, 2022
Categories: Auto Business Environment Technology

Institution of Engineering and Technology Ghana (IET) has advised the general public,institutions and government agencies to desist from entering into any form of agreement withanybody who purports to be an engineer without registering with the institute. IET indicatesthat, this will ensure enhanced supervision and do away with substandard works done by self-acclaimed engineers. Speaking at […]

New model of Sedan is coming this fall

Published by on February 1, 2014
Categories: Auto

Integer quis aliquam mauris. Curabitur pharetra pellentesque metus sed tincidunt. Mauris sit amet lacus non elit finibus placerat. Cras ullamcorper sodales ligula, quis sodales justo iaculis vel. Quisque fermentum sodales euismod. Sed et arcu bibendum, hendrerit quam in, posuere lorem. Ut nisl nisi, ultricies sed lorem nec, ullamcorper suscipit nisi. In sodales ex justo, quis […]

Best City Car

Published by on June 27, 2012
Categories: Auto Breaking News

Sed quam lacus, lacinia quis auctor id, congue vitae sem. Nunc vel mauris nisi. Ut non nulla sem, quis vulputate nunc. Cras venenatis condimentum nunc eget semper. Cras est velit, lobortis at tempor et, eleifend at risus. Vestibulum et quam dolor. Nunc blandit, urna eget aliquam malesuada, turpis est fringilla diam, nec consequat elit urna […]

Car expo – Part 2

Published by on February 1, 2012
Categories: Auto

Series of post about Ford test drive 2011. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts like this one or sub-posts as you like and manage all of your […]

Test drive – part 1

Published by on February 1, 2012
Categories: Auto

Series of post about Ford test drive 2011. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts like this one or sub-posts as you like and manage all of your […]