Category: Politics

Breaking news: Former Central Regional Minister, Ama Benyiwa Doe dies

Published by on September 19, 2021
Categories: Breaking News Politics

Madam Ama Benyiwa Doe, a former Central Regional Minister under the erstwhile NDC administration is reported dead.According to information splashed on social media by NDC communicators, the once vociferous lady politician died earlier this morning. Brief Profile: Ama Benyiwa-Doe was born in 1950. She was the NDC’s Member of Parliament for Gomoa West Constituency from […]

Audio: Our Leaders should focus on the country’s development, than replying Mahama’s “Do or Die” comment- Renowned Journalist

Published by on September 16, 2021
Categories: Ghana News Politics

A renowned journalist in the Central Region with Ahomka FM and Ocean 1tv, Daniel Ashong has said that the opinion leaders of Ghana should switch their focus from Fmr. Presidnt John D. Mahama’s “Do or Die” comment and center it on the country’s development. The 2020 flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani […]

Duncan Hunter says he’ll resign after holidays following guilty plea over misusing campaign funds

Published by on December 7, 2019
Categories: News Politics World

(CNN)Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter of California announced on Friday that he’ll resign from Congress following the holiday season, news that comes after the congressman pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations.”Shortly after the Holidays I will resign from Congress,” Hunter said in a statement Friday. “It has been an honor to serve the people of California’s 50th […]

Appeals court says banks must turn over Trump financial records to House Democrats

Published by on December 7, 2019
Categories: News Politics World

In this case, Trump sued to block a subpoena to Deutsche Bank and Capital One seeking financial records for Trump, his family and his business. A lower court judge denied Trump’s request for a preliminary injunction and Trump appealed the ruling.Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow, suggested the next step will be an appeal to the […]